Source code for paramcomparison

# Copyright (c) 2015 Hong Xu <>

# This file is part of ParamComparison.

# ParamComparison is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# ParamComparison is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
# ParamComparison. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import itertools
import os
import sys

__version__ = '0.2.2'

[docs]class ParamComparison: """ A class to initiate the generation of pages :type grid: dict: str -> (val0, val1, ...) :param grid: A dictionary whose keys are strings of variable names and values are sequences of values to be tried for the corresponding variable. :type reader: :class:`readers.Reader` (or its subclass) object :param reader: The Reader class to load and process data. :raise TypeError: When ``reader`` is not an instance of :class:`readers.Reader`. """ def __init__(self, grid, reader): # assure reader is valid from .readers import Reader if not isinstance(reader, Reader): raise TypeError('Invalid reader. Must be an instance of paramcomparison.writers.Reader') self.names = tuple(grid.keys()) self.name_idx = dict() # reverse look up (name --> index) for i in range(0, len(self.names)): self.name_idx[self.names[i]] = i self.grid = dict() for i in grid.items(): v = i[1] self.grid[i[0]] = tuple(map(str, v)) self.results = dict() # store all results to a dictionary to be used for further looking up for params in itertools.product(*grid.values()): func_params = dict(zip(self.names, params)) result = str( values = tuple(map(str, params)) self.results[values] = result
[docs] def generate_pages(self, outdir, writer, row_field, col_field): """ Generate a set of pages :type outdir: str :param outdir: The directory to write files to. :type writer: :class:`writers.Writer` (or its subclass) object :param writer: The writer to be used. :type row_field: str :param row_field: The field to be used in rows. :type col_field: str :param col_field: The field to be used in columns. :return: None :raise TypeError: When ``writer`` is not an instance of :class:`writers.Writer`. """ # make sure writer is valid from .writers import Writer if not isinstance(writer, Writer): raise TypeError('Invalid writer. Must be an instance of paramcomparison.writers.Writer') try: os.mkdir(outdir) except: pass prefix = outdir if prefix[-1] != os.path.sep: prefix += os.path.sep # the index of the row and column field try: row_field_idx = self.names.index(row_field) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Field "{}" does not exist'.format(row_field)) try: col_field_idx = self.names.index(col_field) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Field "{}" does not exist'.format(col_field)) if len(self.names) == 2: # we only have 2 fields, just generate a table values = dict() params = [None, None] for r in self.grid[row_field]: params[row_field_idx] = r for c in self.grid[col_field]: params[col_field_idx] = c values[(r, c)] = self.results[tuple(params)] with open(prefix + writer.get_file_name('main'), 'w') as f: f.write(writer.write_title('main')) f.write(writer.write_table(self.names, (None, None), row_field_idx, self.grid[row_field], col_field_idx, self.grid[col_field], values)) return # i is the 3rd field for i in range(len(self.names)): # i is the index of the 3rd field if i == row_field_idx or i == col_field_idx: continue with open(prefix + writer.get_file_name(self.names[i]), 'w') as f: # write title first f.write(writer.write_title(self.names[i])) # subgrid with i, row_field_idx and col_field_idx removed subgrid = copy.deepcopy(self.grid) for j in (i, row_field_idx, col_field_idx): subgrid.pop(self.names[j]) # Iterate all fields except row_field and col_field. Field i is always iterated in # the last level. List the tables of the row field and column field for them. num_iterable = sum(1 for x in itertools.product(*subgrid.values())) x_idx = 0 for x in itertools.product(*subgrid.values()): x_idx += 1 params = [None for j in range(len(self.names))] subgrid_keys = tuple(subgrid.keys()) for j in range(len(subgrid_keys)): params[self.name_idx[subgrid_keys[j]]] = x[j] for v in self.grid[self.names[i]]: params[i] = v # a dictionary for only row and column fields values = dict() for r in self.grid[row_field]: params[row_field_idx] = r for c in self.grid[col_field]: params[col_field_idx] = c values[(r, c)] = self.results[tuple(params)] params[row_field_idx] = None params[col_field_idx] = None f.write(writer.write_table(self.names, tuple(params), row_field_idx, self.grid[row_field], col_field_idx, self.grid[col_field], values)) # don't write the separator for the last section if x_idx < num_iterable: f.write(writer.write_separator())